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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the Digi monster start to posses me AGAIN!!!!

Oh my god...!!!!!!!!the old memory is back,it is sign of danger..i just watch digimon on
CERIA..well it fun..the bad side of it,i tend to watch it daily.and i started to remember all the character name..from the baby form to rookie to champion to ultimate and mega..also include the armor digiegg and the DNA digivolve.well my favorite would be agumon,patamon,Gabumon...arrgggghhh!!!!!i think i like all of them..it cannot be,why...why!!!!!i think i just need to control myself.need to control my obsession on anime..if anyone out there can help me.please tell me how?...for now there only 5 seasons for the Digimon series

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