well for the year 2009,kamen rider and samurai sentai shinkenger has beeing confirmed an will be aired...both show will continue the famous tokusatsu family like their previous ancestor series.we just wait and see how the show will go...can wait to see it....rumor say that kamen rider decade able to transform into different kamen rider,for the shinkenger,what i know is all the ranger were sibling just like flashman,fiveman,gogo v and magiranger...and the vehicle or robot(megazord)were based on origami(true,already saw it)
Robo Bees, The Next Step In Pollination?
[image: Robotic bees in the form of mini drones may soon be on their way]First
it was killer bees and now it's robo bees. At least the latter of the two
7 years ago